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I'm having trouble staying motivated in my remote classes; what can I do?


Because of COVID-19 and the necessity of having many remote classes many students are experiencing low level of motivation. The University of Colorado at Boulder has an article titled, "How to Stay Motivated with Remote Learning".

One tip is to use a study cycle which allowes students to get into a routine. The study cycle is as follows:

  1. Before class, preview the material you'll be covering. Skim the chapter, pay attention to headings and bold words, review chapter summaries and prepare any questions you have.
  2. Attend your class—take notes and ask questions.
  3. Review your notes as soon as possible after class.
  4. Schedule time in your week to study the material again. Review your notes, handouts and any other readings.

Another tip is to set up a virtual study group because study groups can help you stay connected with classmates and improve academic performance. In the Spring 2021 semester SUNY Ulster is offering SGO Study Session every Thursday on Zoom from 6pm to 8pm. Students who attend the study session encourage and help motivate one another. Students in the same class who attend the study sessions also have the option to join a Zoom breakout room to discuss their class. Contact Meg Sheeley at for more info and the Zoom link.