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1108 views | 0 Vote this question as useful. 0 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Dec 14, 2023 Tutoring College Resources Student Support Services
Tutoring is a free service available for all SUNY Ulster students. CAPS offers both peer-based and professional tutoring services for individual students and in groups. Students benefit from a comprehensive system of support ranging from help in a specific course to detailed instruction in writing and study skills. The primary modes of support are peer-based and professional individual and group tutoring. If you have any questions regarding additional tutoring services email The Center for Academic Planning and Success at caps@sunyulster.edu.
Tutoring is available in most subjects. Students should go to the Academic and Student Support Resources box on the Student Resources page of the portal, then expand the Tutoring menu to see the current tutoring schedule.
The Math Zone
Location: Burroughs 119
Hours posted throughout the semester
The Math Zone offers tutoring for students taking the following developmental Math courses:
MAT091 – Pre-Algebra
MAT095 – Intro: Quantitative Reasoning
MAT098 – Basic Algebra
Gary and Janaki Patrik Math Center
Location: Algonquin 122
Monday – Thursday: 10 am – 5 pm
The Gary & Janaki Patrik Math Center offers tutoring in all other Math courses.
Net Tutor
NetTutor is a live online tutoring and assistance system available 24/7 during the hours that tutoring is not available at SUNY Ulster. The link to NetTutor is located in Brightspace under Academic Support.
The Literacy Lab
Location: VAN 208&210
Hours 9:00am-3:00pm
The Literacy Lab offers writing tutoring for all subjects on a drop-in basis, both in person and virtually (by request). Our professional and peer tutors are available to assist students with a variety of writing assignments, including essays, research, lab reports, and more. Space and computers are also available for independent work.